I'm going to start the spartan library sharing program. What it consist of is for members of the spartans to feel free to post and trade or share articles, books or video of scenario games, tactics , teamwork, and military manuals. These should be things that we have found as a useful reasorce that we would want to share with others. If someone loans a book, expect to give it back to them in good time and condition. If you want to loan something out, put it in this thread that its part of the Library.
I want to start off by putting up for loan a book I just recieved called.
Paintball and Airsoft Battle Tactics (Paperback)
by Christopher E. Larsen (Author), You can view it at
So far it goes along with everything Wes has taught us. It even mentions our playing ethic "shoot, move, communicate". I'm looking it over right now, but if your ever interested in viewing this book, let me know.